The April 4 Executive Board meeting via Zoom was called to order at 4:02 p.m. on April 4 by Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum. All board members were in attendance, as well as NAPS Legal Counsel Bruce Moyer and attorneys Andy Freeman and Lauren Kelleher.
The meeting agenda included an update on the status of the lawsuit against the Postal Service. The board went into executive session to discuss the lawsuit. At the conclusion of that discussion, the meeting was opened to other business.
Motion #1—Submitted by Western Region Vice President Marilyn Walton and seconded by Central Region Vice President Craig Johnson, that each board member will purchase two tickets for the Auxiliary Luncheon at the 2024 National Convention.
Voting “yes” were Butts, Mulidore, Warden, R. Green, Johnson, Elizondo, Walton, Austin, Perez, Dallojacono, Griffin, Laster, Trayer, Moreno, Mooney, McCartney, Bock, Studdard, S. Green, Davis and Valuet. Abstaining was Roma; Pashinski was absent.The motion passed 21-1-1.
The board then discussed writing a resolution regarding a dues increase. Board members have been asked by branches for advice on writing a resolution pertaining to a dues increase; the assessment will end Oct. 4, 2024. President Ivan D. Butts told the board Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden will be sending board members a resolution template they may share with branches.
Butts thanked the board for attending the meeting and wished them all well. Lum adjourned the meeting at 5:31 p.m.
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