Change Can Be a Good Thing
By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
Change occurs every day one way or another—just as in the fall season we will see the change in nature as leaves turn color and fall. We have seen great change in the Postal Service over the past few years.
It has been debated whether that change is for the betterment of the agency or is detrimental. We all have our opinions. As for me, I always welcome change, which is a good thing when properly embraced. It offers a different perspective and opens one’s thoughts and creativity to new insights.
As you probably heard, changes occurred with the NAPS Headquarters staffing this past month. Emily Christophersen and Allison Portnoy decided to move on in their professional careers. Both were tremendous assets to the day-to-day operations at NAPS Headquarters; they will be sorely missed. I want to thank them and wish them all the best in their endeavors.
Replacing Emily (which is a difficult thing to do) is Patrick Gustafson. He brings great computer skills and enthusiasm to the office. In addition, Caitlyn Helber, who has been working at NAPS Headquarters as a temporary employee, has been brought on full time.
Caitlyn has been processing 1187s for us the past five months, keeping us up to date. Caitlyn will continue working in this area, as well as assume other membership and office duties. Their email addresses are and The resident officers are confident in the skills they bring to NAPS.
In addition, Sheena Williams, executive assistant to the president, has been named office manager. Charles Caburian will shift from bookkeeping duties to social media and other office duties. Our accountant, John “Jack” Wallace, and I will assume the daily bookkeeping duties previously performed by Charles.
I am sure you are probably asking how these changes will affect our operating costs. I am glad to report the projected yearly savings are $56,867.40.
I’m happy to say membership increased in July—by 77 in our total number. Our membership percentage went down from 69% to 68%, but that is a result of the much-needed, new relief positions sought by NAPS being filled.
We need to reach out to those new supervisors informing them of NAPS by using the biweekly promotion report and your branch’s nonmember report. Many branches have been creative in signing new members to NAPS. This includes inviting nonmembers to a branch meeting, a branch holding a membership drive and offering an additional sponsorship gift or simply making phone calls or visits.
Branches also have broken down their nonmember lists and had Executive Board members contact non-members. Many branches have had great success; many nonmembers have said they wanted to join, but no one had approached them.
The great American poet Maya Angelou once said: “You can’t use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” We have a great opportunity to increase membership with the additional positions being filled. Reaching out is the first step.
And on a lighter note, two famous Sesame Street stars—Fozzie Bear and Kermit the Frog—once sang:
Opportunity just knocked Let’s reach out and grab it Together we’ll nab it!
Remember, increasing membership demonstrates leadership!
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