Celebrating a New Auxiliary
By Linda Rendleman
Illini Area Vice President
Illinois has a new auxiliary. My local branch, Heart of Illinois Branch 255, has nine auxiliary members. We each paid our annual dues to the state and national auxiliaries. After discussions with National Auxiliary Secretary/Treasurer Bonita Atkins and former President Sue Elliott, it was decided to form a charter for our auxiliary.
A charter needs five members, so because we have nine, it was decided to form the charter. I asked the Branch 255 executive officers if they would be willing to put our auxiliary on support and pay our annual state and national dues. The officers voted unanimously to form a charter. I want to thank Bonita and Sue for all their help in making this possible.
Our Illinois state convention was in April. Auxiliary members attending helped collect over $700 for SPAC. I hope all the state conventions have success collecting money for SPAC.
At our convention, we held our annual auxiliary auction to raise money for the state auxiliary. It was a great success; we raised $1,000. These funds will help send our state auxiliary members to the 2020 NAPS National Convention.
I hope everyone has a wonderful summer.
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