Can You Get a Second Chance?
By Jane Finley
Southeast Area Vice President
Several Super Bowls ago, the guys at my house were in disbelief at a bone-headed decision made by one of the team’s coaches. In the final seconds of the game, he made a bad decision and called a play that cost his team the game. Game announcers, sports commentators and armchair quarterbacks all lamented, “What was he thinking?”
I don’t know about you, but I’ve been there. I’ve zigged when I should have zagged and then thought, “What was I thinking?” Fortunately, I was able—with a good bit of extra effort—to correct my mistake. And I was not in front of a camera with a zillion viewers from all over the world watching.
We are afforded free will, which means sometimes we will make a bad choice or poor decision. There is no way to rewind the film and erase a boneheaded decision, but sometimes we get a second chance. It’s a chance to get it right; how grateful we are for that opportunity.
In business, as in our personal life, there are times when circumstances prevent us from being afforded the opportunity to make the best decision. That is to push back for what we know we want, need and deserve. We have no choice but to make the best choice in those circumstances and in the situation as it is presented. Our best decision is to know “when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em.”
I relate that to being part of the NAPS family. For example, the work the NAPS disciplinary defense team does in its willingness to assist others when a fellow member is facing proposed discipline is exemplary—to stand in the gap and help members through the rough spots and provide the opportunity for a second chance. In the heat of the debate or defense, the team is there to keep their heads when you lose yours. That alone is worth the cost of NAPS membership. Every supervisor, manager and postmaster needs to know who to call in times of need; each NAPS member is deserving of that peace of mind.
So, what does that have to do with the NAPS Auxiliary? As a family member of a NAPS member, we like to be recognized as a part of the NAPS family, too. The Auxiliary’s support of SPAC is a family endeavor. When we help NAPS, we are providing support in response for their dedication and the many ways NAPS assists our personal family through NAPS membership.
The National Auxiliary is welcoming new members. We want to encourage families of NAPS members to join. It’s a positive way for us to partner with NAPS; together, we can increase our impact and contributions. Auxiliary President Patricia Jackson-Kelley (geekell (at) and Secretary-Treasurer Bonita Atkins (latkins326 (at) can provide more information and an application. Join the NAPS Auxiliary and join the NAPS family!
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