Submitted by Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
The Aug. 30 Executive Board meeting via Zoom was called to order at 4:01 p.m. by Executive Board Chair Chuck Lum. All board members were in attendance except Michiana Area Vice President Kevin Trayer, who was excused. Also in attendance were Legal Counsel Bruce Moyer and attorneys Andy Freedman and Lauren Kelleher.
The meeting agenda included an update on the recent court decision by Judge Royce Lamberth pertaining to discovery for the lawsuit, an update on NAPS Headquarters staff and a vendor contract.
President Ivan D. Butts thanked board members for attending. The board went into executive session for the update on the lawsuit. Freedman informed the board the meeting was governed by attorney/client privilege.
At the conclusion of the briefing and Q&A, a question was asked if a memo would be written informing the NAPS membership. Butts said there would be a letter; it’s currently being drawn up by the NAPS legal team.
Butts next informed the board of the staffing changes at NAPS Headquarters. Emily Christophersen and Allison Portnoy have resigned and are pursuing other endeavors. Patrick Gustafson was hired to assume membership duties. He is being trained by Christophersen.
Caitlyn Helber, a temporary employee, has been hired full time. Sheena Williams will assume the duties of office manager. Lastly, Charles Caburian will transition from bookkeeping duties to social media and other office functions.
Secretary/Treasurer Jimmy Warden next presented a contract for John Wallace, NAPS’ current accountant. Wallace will take over bookkeeping duties previously performed by Caburian. This will be in addition to the accounting duties Wallace currently performs.
Warden informed the board the office staff changes and hiring Wallace will result in projected yearly savings of $56,867.40.
Immediate Past President Brian Wagner made a motion, seconded by Northeast Region Vice President Tommy Roma, to accept the contract with John Wallace. The motion passed unanimously. Not voting were Trayer (excused) and Southeast Area Vice President Robert “Bobby” Bock, who left to attend a district hurricane meeting, and Illini Area Vice President Luz Moreno, who left to attend another meeting.
A discussion was held pertaining to the budget. Warden will update the budget and send it to the board for review. The budget for FY23-24 has yet to be approved by the board.
Butts adjourned the meeting at 5:45 p.m.
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