Always Looking Forward
By Heather Hommerson
NAPS Auxiliary Michiana Area Vice President
The NAPS Auxiliary—local, state and national—always is looking forward. Looking forward to the next meeting, implementing ideas to help our NAPS members and grow membership in NAPS and, by doing that, membership in the NAPS Auxiliary.
We all know membership is important; by looking forward, we can grow those numbers. It may seem like an easy task—just get out to your local meetings and recruit a member’s spouse or family member for the Auxiliary. In reality, many of those people already have been approached, which is why we also need to recruit new NAPS members—growing one membership feeds the other.
State conventions are one of the best and most informative ways to add new members. At a state convention, all members are easily approachable; they can answer any questions about membership and explain the importance of being a member and having “career insurance.” Simply put, NAPS membership is career insurance.
It’s the insurance of having peace of mind that you have support and answers to questions at all times. And you want the “insurance” before you need it. We know this from life experience. It is no different with NAPS membership.
I urge all NAPS and Auxiliary members to stress the importance of being a NAPS member. Talk with employees about NAPS to be sure they know what our association stands for and the people we help. There is ultimate power in numbers.
Looking forward, it is important to send as many delegates as possible to the Legislative Training Seminar (LTS); this is where our voices are heard and postal changes are made. A goal is to continue the work that is done at LTS into the entire year at your local and state branches. Make the issues well known to all NAPS members, urging them to attend local and state branch meetings and reading The Postal Supervisor.
Branch meetings play an important role in growing membership while also informing members of the constant changes. You know the old saying, “Knowledge is power!”
Always looking forward…
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