By Jimmy Warden
NAPS Secretary/Treasurer
As 2022 ends and 2023 begins, it’s full speed ahead! I want to thank everyone for their fantastic display of leadership in recruiting new members for our great association in 2022. But, now, 2023 is here and there is nothing to fear!
Many members are concerned our nonmember total recently increased. This is a good thing as the Postal Service has been filling vacant positions. Approximately one year ago, there were 2,800 EAS vacancies. That number has been drastically reduced as positions have been filled. By filling vacancies, we have more opportunities to sign new members.
Every two weeks, I send a promotion report to the NAPS Executive Board. The intent is for board members to send this report to the branches so they can ascertain who in their geographical area recently has been promoted, effective that same pay period. It is obvious this report has helped; many branches are using it to increase their membership. Great job—there is nothing to it but to do it!
You may be wondering why I titled this column 678-4,870. Well, I will tell you! I’m sure you’ve seen the movie “Field of Dreams” starring Kevin Costner as Ray Kinsella. Probably the best-known line from the movie is “If you build it, he will come!” “He” is Ray’s father who came and played catch with Ray after he built the field.
Well, I believe “If we represent and support them, they will join!” Based on the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals, NAPS has the legal right to represent postmasters. And postmasters are coming to NAPS! As of October 2022, 678 Postmasters joined NAPS this past year.
And that number continues to increase. NAPS currently has 4,870 active postmaster members. Yes! If we represent and support them, they will join and they are.
At our fall Executive Board meeting, President Ivan D. Butts assigned New York Area Vice President and Postmaster Dioenis “Dee” Perez as chair of the Executive Board Postmaster Committee. His committee members are Mideast Area Vice President Tony Dallojacono, Michiana Area Vice President Kevin Trayer, MINK Area Vice President Kelly McCartney and Texas Area Vice President Pam Davis.
Dee and his committee have hit the road running; it’s full steam ahead in 2023. Dee has joined forces with the National Convention Postmaster Committee chaired by Jimmy Salmon, Phoenix Juan Luna Branch 246. A Zoom meeting was held recently with all the committee members to establish the committee’s mission and address concerns specific to postmasters.
In order to continue serving our postmaster community, Dee has broken down the committee into four regions. Members of each region will assist branches when the need arises pertaining to postmaster issues, as well as escalating concerns should they arise. I want to thank Dee, Jimmy and all the committee members for taking on this initiative.
Their mission is to represent and support postmasters. As a result, postmasters will continue to join NAPS. Following are the four regions and their members:
Region 1
Region 2
Region 3
Region 4
I wish everyone a very happy and healthy New Year. Stay safe! And remember, increasing membership demonstrates leadership.
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