2020 National Convention–What’s Cook’n?
By Brian J. Wagner
NAPS President
As you start cook’n up plans for 2020, I hope your plate of things to do includes attending the 67th NAPS National Convention this August. So, what does NAPS Headquarters have cook’n for this year’s national? Here’s the scoop! Just a reminder, online registration for the 2020 National Convention will be cook’n in February.
Whether it’s at a NAPS branch meeting, training, state convention or national convention, we know NAPS members love to eat; who doesn’t? Here’s a “taste” of what to expect.
The national convention registration fee is $250 per person until July 10; $325 from July 11 to July 24. This is considered a full registration that provides access to all NAPS convention activities, NAPS-sponsored food functions, Friday’s Grand Banquet and a convention bag with giveaways. However, be advised there will be no onsite registration.
If you are wondering how a spouse, significant other, family member or guest may participate in national convention activities, meals and the Grand Banquet without paying the full $250 or the $325 late registration fee, we have that covered, too.
New this national convention is NAPS’ meal plan badge for guests. The cost is $200 if purchased online at www.naps.org before July 24. After that date, you only may purchase the meal plan badge at the national convention until 5 p.m. on Monday, Aug. 17. The national convention onsite price is $250.
The meal plan badge is a great value for all you receive and provides access to all NAPS-sponsored activities, including food functions during the week, except Friday night’s Grand Banquet. The meal plan badge includes access to Sunday night’s Host Branch Reception, Monday night’s Delegates’ Welcome and four mornings of NAPS-sponsored breakfast buffets (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday). However, the meal badge does not include any national convention material or giveaway items.
When a meal plan badge is purchased online via www.naps.org, the individual will receive an email receipt confirming the purchase. This receipt must be presented at registration at the convention to receive a meal plan badge/lanyard. Again, the meal plan badge does not provide access to Friday’s Grand Banquet.
Big question! Will your guest need a Grand Banquet ticket, too? If yes, that will require a separate ticket purchase. Therefore, before online registration closes on July 24, delegates may purchase extra Friday night Grand Banquet tickets for $100 each at www.naps.org. Grand Banquet tickets are available for purchase at the national convention, but the onsite price is $125 each. A Grand Banquet ticket provides access only to the banquet; no other food or national convention activities are included.
Please note there will be other food functions scheduled during the 2020 National Convention that are not sponsored by NAPS. Such events may include regional or Auxiliary luncheons. These specific food festivities require a separate ticket purchase. NAPS Headquarters does not handle ticket sales for these special luncheons. Delegates need to contact a respective NAPS region or National Auxiliary representative to purchase these tickets.
By now, your mind may be cooked by all the above. Let me help dish out the best deal. First, if your guest only is going to the Grand Banquet, then purchase a Grand Banquet ticket online for $100 by July 24; onsite for $125. If your guest is not attending the Grand Banquet, but wishes to attend all other national convention food festivities and activities, then purchase the meal plan badge in advance for $200.
However, if you need both the meal plan badge and a Grand Banquet ticket for your guest, purchase both in advance for $300. Therefore, the best “foodie” deal is a full registration for $250 before July 10. With the purchase of an advanced full registration, your guest receives access to all convention events, food festivities and a Grand Banquet ticket, plus a convention bag with fabulous giveaways. So, get cook’n and don’t let this deal spoil your chance to eat up all the opportunities a full, advanced 2020 National Convention registration can provide.
All this writing has made me hungry. So, here’s what’s cook’n with my February ice-cream-flavor-of-the-month recommendation: salted caramel swirl.
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